Monday, July 30, 2012



(sing it to the tune of "Yesterday" will never leave your head.)

Anyway, I've been seeing various people post things about Chik-fil-A lately and honestly, it's a little annoying to me.

If you want to support Chik-fil-A by eating there because you want to make a statement about your stance on gay marriage, by all means, please do so.

If you want to boycott Chik-fil-A by not eating there because you want to make a statement about your stance on gay marriage, by all means, please do so.  Or not do so.  You know what I mean.

I read this post about the Chik-fil-A war on a blog by Rachel Held Evans.  I may not agree with everything, but I do think that this at least makes you think about how you react to what I'm sure will be remembered as the Great Chicken War of 2012.  History teachers will likely give really hard quizzes on this 100 years from now.

That's the great thing about America.  It is a free country.  Dan Cathy can say whatever he wants and can put the money from his business wherever he wants.  You can choose to eat there or not eat there.  It's that simple.  Maybe if all of us stopped talking about what we believe and actually lived it, there would be a lot less clucking going on.


  1. I could not agree more. My opinions on gay marriage aside, I think it is awesome that we live in a country where a company can take whatever kind of stance they want to on their beliefs. Like it or not, that's the great thing about America. And I have to totally respect the owners of Chick-Fil-A for taking a very firm stance on their beliefs, despite the pressure, particularly in an already volatile economy. Kudos to them. I would no more support nor boycott Chick-Fil-A than I would a competitor who took a firm stance for gay marriage. So long as their food is good, I don't really care and I totally respect their right to believe or support whatever causes they choose to support, so long as it is not harmful to anyone.


  3. Love it! You said exactly what I've been thinking!
