Wednesday, December 7, 2011

i hope you go to heaven

Every Wednesday night, we go to Awana at our church.

Superfrykid is in the Sparks class and she made something for her teacher today.

Here it is:

If you are having trouble reading it, this is what it says:
Dear, Mrs. Deanna
I love Sparks!  You are very good at teaching us abot God.  Hope you go too Heaven.  Love, Alaina

The drawing is an elf.  Looks like a zombie elf, but it's just a regular elf.

The elf is not the funny part.

The funny part is the last line.

"I hope you go to heaven."

This is kind of like someone from the south saying, "Bless your heart."

It seems like a nice thing to say. 

"I hope you go to heaven."  Insert fake smile here with hand on the other person's arm.

"Thanks, I hope you do too."  Insert fake smile here with turn around and eye roll.

Superfrykid was earnest and sincere.  She was trying to give the best compliment she could. 

That's why I love her.  She is honest and forthright and doesn't have the jaded sense of spirituality that I sometimes do.

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