Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the not so secret secret

Ok, so I bragged about told you about being selected as part of the launch team for Rachel Held Evans' upcoming book A Year of Biblical Womanhood.

I downloaded my copy of the book last night and started reading. I made myself stop at the end of the second chapter, because I want to make it last.  It's pretty good so far.  Informative, but not boring.  Funny, but not crass.  Interesting, but not fluffy.  I think I'm going to like it.

But today's post is not about the book.  I will post a review after I finish reading it.

Today I want to talk about the secret facebook group that goes along with being in the launch group.  It's a closed group, which is why they call it a secret, I guess.

Dear Thomas Nelson Publishers: calling something a secret doesn't really make it secret.

Because I am totally going to talk about it here.
And my 2 readers  all of my readers will know about it, which makes it a closed group, not a secret group.  But I confess, I may not have applied to be a part of the launch team if a secret facebook group was not included.  I kind of wish it included a secret handshake too, but I guess I'll just have to be disappointed.

Anyway, a suggestion was made for the group members to write a little bio so everyone can find each other on their blogs, or twitter, or whatever.  I added mine, satisfied that it was sufficient.

Then I went back and read some of the others.

I'm pretty sure everyone is better than me.


I am pretty much the only regular person on there.

Everyone else is super-awesome in some way.  There are pastors, authors, speakers, non-profit directors, bloggers, and  highly educated people on this list.  Everyone seems to have some sort of awesome career and still finds time to care for their biological twins, their adopted son and their foster daughter.  All of this while squeezing in their hobbies of training for a half-marathon, pottery glazing, writing an opera in Italian, and making gourmet, organic cupcakes.

And I am totally not exaggerating.  Well, maybe about the cupcakes.

These bios sound like a cross between a resume and an online dating profile. Although I'm pretty sure I didn't see any that said they enjoyed long walks on the beach.

So I've decided that I was selected for one of the following reasons:

1.  The assistant at Thomas Nelson publishers needed one more person and did eeny, meeny, miney, mo because they were so tired of reading all of the entries.

2.  They were trying to get a good cross-section of people and I represent the uneducated masses who sing along to Lady Gaga in the car and think Taco Bell is pretty good Mexican food.

3.  They actually did read my entry and thought they should include one regular person in the launch group.  I mean, aren't regular people the kind of people God likes to use?

I don't know why I was selected, but I sure do feel small in this company of people.

I'm hoping I don't get asked to leave.

That's probably why they don't have a secret handshake because once you learn it, you're in.  By NOT having a secret handshake, they could potentially weed out those they didn't want without fear of them sneaking back in because they know the secret handshake.

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